CS331 HTML Programming
Review for Second Quiz
- Chapter 5 discussed logical and physical tags. What
is the difference between them?
- For which of these tags does a web browser determine the appearance
of text?
- <i>
- <b>
- <em>
- <a>
- If you want to maintain spacing and tabs in a section of text...
- Don't use HTML, it won't do it
- use a Courier font
- double space everywhere you want a single space
- use the <pre> tag set
- Some tags must be paired and others may be single tags.
Which is each of these, according to XHTML rules?
- <a>
- <br>
- <html>
- <hr>
- <b>
- <img>
- <ol>
- <li>
- Place these tags in the order in which they should be used in a page.
- <body>
- <title>
- <html>
- <h1>
- Specify two reasons to use an external image instead of an inline
- The <img> tag has a number of attributes. Explain what each
of these is for.
- src
- align
- border
- height
- width
- alt
- To set the background color of a page,...
- set the BACKCOLOR in the PAGE tag
- set the BGCOLOR in the BODY tag
- set the COLOR in the FONT tag
- call Earl Scheib... for $99.95 he'll paint any page any color!
- Colors that are unusual (like baby blue mixed with mauve) may be attained...
- by entering a series of color names
- in some other reality, not in a web page
- by specifying the percentage of each component color
- by use of a hexadecimal triplet
- Spot color is used in small bursts. It could involve the use of...
- the SPOT tag and a color name
- a set of Crayolas® and a Dalmatian puppy
- the FONT tag and a hex triplet
- a style selector and a rule
- A hex triplet is
- one of the first three characters on stage in Macbeth
- a rhyming curse in three lines, also called terza rima
- a set of three numbers in base sixteen
- one of three stock players who always starred with the Marx brothers
- Background images may be set
- along with background colors, if set in a style
- instead of background colors
- with the BACKGROUND tag
- by chanting:
"Double, double, toil and trouble,
fire burn and cauldron bubble...
- The two most common image formats on the web are
- Kodak and Fuji
- jpg and gif
- Jif and Peter Pan
- Peanut Butter and Jelly
- The most used color model on the web is RGB. It stands for
- Raster, Gain and Brightness
- a secret successor to the KGB
- the red, green, and blue electron guns in your monitor
- Did you read choice b? You may have to go away someplace now...
- A color map is useful for
- determining the best route to the paint store
- setting marching directions for half-time
- determining the number of colors used in an image
- determining which states still have autumn leaves
- A transparent image
- is an image that is invisible
- is a stupid idea... there is no such thing
- is worn by Mr. Scott on Emperor's New Clothes Day
- is one that shows no background of its own on a page
- An external file
- is one that is not in your presentation
- is one that is not loaded automatically
- is not really part of any web presentation
- is one that has been required to get a job, for experience
- Your book calls a tag that is not meant to have a closing partner
an "empty tag". What is the XHTML method for achieving closure
with these tags?
- give them a closing partner
- closure is not necessary for them
- use a space and a forward slash before the closing right angle
- use a space and a backslash before the closing right angle bracket.
- What are the three types of styles?
- normal, enhanced, and deprecated
- inline, embedded, and external
- font, body, and heading
- html, xhtml, and xml
- Which type of style should you use if you...
- want the style to apply to several pages
- want the style to apply to only one page
- want the style to apply to only one sentence
- want to modify a style for only one paragraph
- Write style commands that would...
- display all headings in Arial font, if available
- display hypertext links in gold, on a black background
- repeat a background image on a page, but only down the
left side
- create a class that has a yellow background
- use the class from d (above) to show a sentence as if it were
- What is the DOCTYPE identifier?
- a remark that tells how you format your document
- a tag that is used to manage documents
- a degree marker, so medical pages are not seen by PhDs
- states the browser requires either 110v or 220v; check before
plugging in
- How do you put a character that is not on your keyboard in a web
page (like the registered trademark symbol in question 10)?
- keep pressing keys and hope for luck
- get some whiteout and a black pen...
- use a character entity
- use a <pre></pre> tag set
- What are the following tags for?
- <div>
- <span>
- <img>
- <a>
- What tags might have the following attributes?
- vlink
- src
- clear
- border