CS331 HTML Programming
Review for Third Quiz: Chapters 11, 12, and 19
- Tables are ways to organize a page. Tell me what each table tag stands
for and is used for
- TD
- TH
- TR
- A table may not be
- only one row
- only one column
- stair-step shaped
- changed in length by adding text to a cell
- Which attribute can you use in a table cell to set background color?
- THEWORLDISACAROUSELOFCOLOR (but only on Disney pages)
- Ms. Lemay suggests alternatives to using a table. Name three.
- A linked window is
- a window that opens inside your browser
- a second window with a browser in it
- a window with a linked list in it
- the kind of window found in jail cells
- In order to open a linked window
- you specify the window name with a TARGET tag
- you use TARGET attribute in an ANCHOR tag
- you use a WINDOW attribute in a TARGET tag
- you go to Target, buy a hacksaw, and take it to your friend
in jail
- What is a danger of opening a linked window?
- you could close the original window
- you could open a second window
- you could run out of window resources
- the guards in the watchtowers don't like it
- Frames are a way of
- opening more linked windows
- putting borders on pages
- displaying more documents on one window
- displaying more windows without resources
- What is the purpose of each of these for a framed site?
- To determine how to set up nested frames, you should
- always start with a set of columns
- usually start with a set of rows
- determine if you have a column or row that runs full screen
- determine whether you have more rows or columns
- Frames are like linked windows since
- they hold pages and can have names
- they can open and close like windows
- they can be made into a rectangle shape
- they can hold someone in jail for a long time
- Which of the following statements are true about JavaScript?
- It is a compiled language
- If properly coded, it requires only a browser that understands
- It requires permissons on a server to run it
- It requires a Virtual Machine module on the client computer
- What attribute and value are required for the <script> tag when
creating a JavaScript?
If you wish to add remarks to the middle of a JavaScript, what notation
must be used?
Object oriented programming applies to JavaScript. Name the objects
that already exist in your environment corresponding to:
- The window the browser is running in
- The HTML page being read
- Name a method that comes as part of each of the objects in the question
- Name a web site where you might find examples of JavaScripts.