1. Why is amplification of analog signals not as effective as regeneration of digital signals? 2. Define each of these terms
3. What are the characteristics of cable media that can be used to compare them? 4. What is a private circuit? What is a leased circuit? 5. What is the main difference between Cat 1, Cat 2, Cat3, etc.? 6. What are some common tasks that a data link protocol must carry out? 7. Three goals for data link protocols are transparency, code independence and efficiency. Explain what each means. 8. What are the three line access methods? Which was recommended as best for light loads? Which is not used in LANs? 9. What is meant by each term:
10. What are the four error detection schemes? 11. Define each term:
12. What are the two retransmission error correction schemes? 13. Examine the chart on page 340. Why is twisted pair cable the best choice in most cases? When would it be better to choose one of the other listed media?