CS 481 - Trends in Computer Science


No text? How odd.


Week 1: Requirements for mid-term project, first practice project
Week 2: Some history, some attitudes, and some assignments
Week 3: Some history, some humanity, and some assignments
Week 4 : Project requirements, relevance, and reaching to the future
Week 5: Project presentations, next project requirements
Week 6: Technology, project requirements, and contracts
Week 7: History, pressures on innovation, and updating the RFP (revised, 11/29/2015)
Week 8: Project goals, guidelines for scoring responses, innovations
Week 9: Summing up

Other useful web sites:
CNET: Technology News
CNN Tech News page
Journal of Information Technology
Krebs on Security
Gizmodo (consumer tech news)
Slashdot: News for Nerds
One Look - a great site for looking up any word
What Is...? - great for looking up technical terms
Marshall Brain's How Stuff Works - great basic articles on technology

Steve Vincent

Copyright © 2015 Steve Vincent

URL: http://stevevincent.info/index.html
Legend: Blue Links are unvisited, Burgundy Links are visited.
: lecture section notes
: lab section notes
: assignments, outlines
: review/study guides
: handouts
: WWW references