ITS 2330 - Introduction to Network Security

Review for Final Exam

The following questions are provided to help you study for the final. Do not expect to see these exact questions on the test.

  1. Why are DNS servers needed?
  2. What is BIND?
  3. If you install bind and bindutils, what family of Linux is your server running?
  4. What does installing a service in a chroot environment do for us?
  5. What is Apache? What operating system can you install Apache on?
  6. What is another name for address leasing? What kind of server is probably involved?
  7. What kind of failure may result in Windows clients having APIPA range addresses? What quick fix does the text recommend, and why may it not work?
  8. What are the elements of a DORA transaction?
  9. What are the three DHCP clients mentioned in the text?
  10. If you have not done so, watch the videos I posted about installing a DHCP server.
    What are some of the settings you should configure in the dhcpd.conf file?
  11. nmap -sT (plus other parameters) will conduct classic three-way handshakes with scanned devices.
    What is the typical exchange of signals?
    How is the exchange different if we use nmap -sS?
  12. A netcat scan can reduce the number of lines of output you get from a scan. What is the difference between running it with the -z and the -vz options?
  13. Where in your network should you install Snort to get the most use out of it?
  14. What are the four files you should be concerned with when using OpenSSH?
  15. The text discusses installing and using an OpenVPN server. Why would you do this?
  16. Who maintains the CVE data?
  17. What is the CVSS system? Why might a CVE have a different score for over time or for a different target?
  18. Characterize the difference between the Mitre and Tenable CVE sites.