ITS 3050 - Security Policies and Auditing

Security Policies and Implementation Issues
Chapter 9, User Domain Policies
Chapter 10, IT Infrastructure Security Policies


This lesson covers chapters 9 and 10. It discusses policies that relate to users and to the portions of our network that were introduced in earlier chapters. Objectives important to this lesson:

  1. Weak links in the security chain
  2. Types of users
  3. User policies
  4. Acceptable use policies
  5. Privileged-level access agreement
  6. Security awareness policies
  7. Least privilege or best fit

  8. Part of an infrastructure policy
  9. Workstation policies
  10. LAN policies
  11. LAN to WAN policies
  12. WAN policies
  13. Remote access policies
  14. System/Application policies
  15. Telecommunications policies

Chapter 9

This chapter begins with the popular concept that the biggest problems we have in IT security are associated with people. The text tells us that people are subject to problems that automated defenses do not share:

  • People have different skill levels, causing their actions to vary; identical devices with the same software and configuration do not have this problem
  • People get tired or distracted and do things they should not; systems undergoing a Denial of Service attack may seem tired or distracted, but they won't open a door or tell someone a password because of it
  • People need sleep and vacations; systems typically do not need these, but they do need to be patched and rebooted from time to time (Have you ever had a reboot yourself? I would like to ask a question about it.)
  • People, on the other hand, can think and react to a new situation by devising a new solution; machines typically do not do this, nor do some people

The text continues with a discussion of three areas in which humans cause IT security breaches. These are not the only areas to be concerned about, but they are a good start.

Social engineering is a label that is applied to any attempt to convince someone to do something that is to your benefit. In the context of IT security, a social engineer is often a con artist who is asking, fooling, convincing, or otherwise manipulating people into revealing secrets or granting access to systems. The author lists some classic social engineering methods:

  • Make a friend - Friends tend to confide in friends, do favors for them, and show off what they know or can do. A hacker may try to become a friend to someone with the next level of access to harvest information from them.
  • Pretext - I think the author is a little off the mark with this one. A pretext is a pretense, a lie of some sort. A pretexting attacker might pretend to be from the IT department, as the author says, but he/she might instead pretend to be a new user, an assistant to a high level executive, or any other role that seems to fit the situation. Think of Leonardo DiCaprio in Catch Me If You Can, interviewing an airline official to get the information he needed to impersonate a pilot. He was pretexting with the airline official when he pretended to be a reporter for a student newspaper. He then pretended to be a pilot in order to pass bad checks at banks, hotels, and airline counters, which we could say was the real exploit that his initial pretexting led to.
  • Ask for information - The author describes a social engineer asking a user to log in to a "test page", which in reality has the purpose of collecting the user's ID and password. This is similar to phishing, sending email to users that ask them to do the same or similar things.

The author remarks that social engineering is often preferred to more difficult hacking, because it is usually easy, fast, and effective. That is true for someone with the right skill set. Many hackers are not accomplished actors, but social engineers need to be. Think about it the next time someone calls your home "from Microsoft" and tells you they have noticed problems on your computer. Then hang up the phone, there is no point in talking to them.

Human mistakes come from many causes. The text lists several, but only discusses mistakes that it collects under the heading of carelessness. In fact, the examples of carelessness the author gives to us might easily be called by different names.

  • Leaving credentials in plain sight - This one is pretty careless, if we assume the users have been told to keep their passwords secret.
  • Failing to read a screen, and just clicking OK - This may be carelessness, but it may also be a behavior we have taught to the users. If our log on process, our print process, or any other frequently used process typically requires this behavior to continue with one's work day, users can fall prey to a hacker whose trigger event looks like one of the expected screens.
  • Giving in to a superior's request to counter security - This one is not carelessness, it is coercion on the part of the higher up who thinks security rules only apply to other people. In fact bullying is a classic social engineering technique.
  • Lack of common computer knowledge - If the person in question has been taught better, then it is careless not to think and use that training. If it is as the author describes, that we have a person who was never taught what to do, that is a failure on management's part, not carelessness on the employee's part.

Insiders is the title of the third item about users. The text refers to a study that said 31% of data breaches in 2013 were due to employees, consultants, contractors, or vendors. The text points out that most of these people are in a position to know the information in the security framework, so they might each know about some of the weak spots in the defenses of an organization. They are more informed, and more likely to avoid detection should they decide to attack the organization. Every disgruntled employee has their own motivation. The text offers an example, stating that the average experienced help desk agent in the Philippines may make as little as $4000 per year. Selling company data may be very tempting. Stolen credit card information may be worth a very large sum to a reseller.

The text proceeds with a discussion of seven types of users. The author presents some thoughts about each group, and adds two more in the list on page 240.

  • Employees - Salaried and hourly employees typically need access to business applications and related information. Their access should be determined by the needs of their work. The text points out that access should be reviewed and changed with each change in a person's job or duties. This is one of the areas that typically receives less care. It is more common that an employee who moves from department to department will accumulate the access rights of each new department, but may not lose the rights necessary for the old department. The text refers to this as "privilege creep". It sneaks up on you. This phenomenon may be due to lack of oversight, to the higher priority of assigning the new rights, or to a need to finish the workload from the last job. It is an area that presents some risk because an ID may have rights that the current manager is not aware of. The better practice would be to analyze all rights a person has from time to time, and to clear out those that are no longer needed.

  • System administrators - Need access to most aspects of the systems, and may be the staff who create and manage user accounts. This kind of job typically requires all rights to some systems from time to time. The text recommends that such staff be given only those ongoing rights they need for their usual duties, and that they be given elevated rights when the situation requires it. This is a good idea, but it is not practical as stated. In an emergency it may not be possible to access the administrator's account to grant such rights. A common practice is to have a second ID which has been given elevated rights proactively. I can be Clark Kent as long as that identity serves my purpose, but sometimes, this is a job for Superman.

    That special ID is used only when elevated rights are required, and may require a report about its use. Some environments do not require this kind of reporting. The text presents a different concept: assigning rights related to a specific trouble ticket. Again, this is a more ideal situation, but is means a system must be accessible to assign new rights, and that the ticket creator must have correctly diagnosed the problem the caller is having. The diagnosis may be wrong, and the administrator will be better off having more rights than initially predicted.

  • Security personnel - Need access to infrastructure devices to monitor and control operations and incidents; may be the staff who create and manage user accounts. These are the staff who monitor our systems for attacks, and who analyze them for vulnerabilities. Staff in these positions may need elevated rights for most of their work.

  • Contractors - Need the same access as other staff in whatever category they are hired, but typically on a temporary basis. Some contractors continue without specific termination dates. Even so, contractor accounts should be given access rights that match their jobs, and their user accounts should have expiration dates which will trigger a review of their rights and of the status of their accounts.

  • Vendors - The text means employees stationed with our organization by a vendor, such as a specialist from Microsoft who is assigned to help us roll out a new product, or upgrade an existing one. They may need access to specific systems, to an email account, to a shared data area, or other resources that allow them to work with our organization's staff. The text points out that this kind of employee is really the employee of another entity, and we need to know when there is a status change for this person, such as a promotion, a transfer, or a dismissal. Any of those actions on the part of the real employer should trigger a change or suspension of the rights that person's ID has been granted in our environment.

  • Guests and the public - May need access to ordering and querying applications, restricted to data that is located in the DMZ of the organization, or to data that applications in that zone are allowed to access. The text reminds us that such public facing devices need to be hardened, to have all unnecessary software and functionality removed from them. The text also proposes that all user inputs to our systems should be constrained to only the kind of input we wish to process, to avoid users breaking into other programs by SQL injection or other common means. This link to a Wikipedia page provides a few examples that make the warning clearer.

  • Control partners - Auditors and other people tasked with reviewing logs and records will need extensive read access to systems.

  • Contingent IDs - IDs with extensive rights that are only used in an emergency or in the case of restoring a system. May require full access to various systems in order to complete the restoration of a system or several of them. The text says that it may be customary to keep these IDs and their passwords completely secret until they are needed. Perhaps they are stored in sealed orders, to be opened only by authorized personnel in case of emergency.

  • System accounts - Systems, networks, and applications need rights sufficient to call other programs or processes that support their functions. These accounts are never meant for a user to actually log in with such credentials, even if such an event is theoretically allowed. When logging in as such an entity is allowed, the account is called interactive. When it is not allowed (not possible to do so) the account is called noninteractive. This is a safer way to set up such an account, because it is very unlikely that an attacker could use it as desired.

The text makes the point that if we cannot determine which user takes an action on a system, we should at least be able to narrow the search down to the user IDs that had the rights to take the action in question. This makes us more aware that we need to control the number of people who have access and control over sensitive information.

The text returns to the idea of an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), which it has presented before. Such a policy might best be viewed as a statement of a principle, and a starting point for ongoing discussion. No such policy can be exhaustive, it cannot cover all possible abuses of company equipment, because someone is always finding a new way to use company equipment for a purpose that it is not meant for. When new circumstances come up, the text recommends that they be discussed in awareness training, which could be video moment, a newsletter, or a topic to bring up at staff meetings. These methods are examples, and the nature of the business should lead to an appropriate choice that will allow discussion without threat or boredom.

The text provides a list of topics you may want to cover in an AUP on page 252.

  • Computer defense measures
  • Password requirements
  • Software license standards
  • Use of email
  • Privacy policy
  • Noncompliance policy

Your organization may require that users who are to be assigned elevated rights must sign or agree to a Privileged-Level Access Agreement (PAA). This agreement should lay out the duties to be carried out when using elevated access, the company policy on handling sensitive information, and other rules as deemed necessary. The text presents a list of statements and promises that the employee may be expected to agree to on page 253. These are some highlights from that list:

  • Understand the risk to to company if this set of credentials is breached or stolen
  • Promise to use the credentials only as required by the company
  • Promise not to violate any other security policy with these credentials
  • Promise to protect the information created or gathered with these credentials

Another policy related area covered in this chapter is a Security Awareness Program (SAP). Page 254 lists several laws we have covered already, and some new ones, that require that companies must have an SAP to instruct their employees in security issues. Following one or more of the schedules required by these laws will give a company the defense that they tried to follow the rules, should there be a breach of their data.

Page 255 returns to several recommendations the text has already made, and some standard recommendations that may or may not help. For example, the idea that you should never open an email attachment unless you know the person who sent it. That is not really useful, since email accounts can be spoofed, and business email often comes from someone we have not met or do not know. The advice about encrypting all sensitive data is more useful, regardless of the medium used to store or send it.

The last topic in the chapter seems like a small point. The author draws a distinction between two methods of managing access that are almost identical:

  • Least access privileges - only the privileges necessary to perform a job are assigned, user by user
  • Best fit access privileges - the privileges necessary to perform a job are assigned, to classes or groups, sometimes giving more privileges for simplicity or job coverage

In the second case, as in the example in the text, more privileges are assigned to users who do not always need them so that they can all be assigned to the same group. The benefit to the administrator is obvious. The benefit to the manager of these employees is that they can all use the same resources on the network if the need arises for them to do so. This results in employees having the rights and privileges to do the work of other employees who are missing, assuming the employees who are present have been taught how to do that work. This method should not be used when there is high security on the data that might be accessed by the users, or when trust in the employees is not certain.

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 takes us to some hardware related material. First the author discusses three ways to organize policies. He seems to like organizing by functional area, but warns us that this is disrupted with every reorganization a company goes through. He considers the second method, organizing by layers of security, a difficult one to use. Companies are free to classify various kinds of security as falling in various layers of their own choosing. There is no standard to naming the layers or placing products in them.

That leaves the third method, organizing policies by the seven domains the author introduced us to earlier. The author acknowledges that this method has a problem as well: some security issues cross over several domains. This requires policies that address the differences between those domains, and the similarities between them. The author recommends that a compliance oriented approach may be adopted by choosing an industry standard model, such as the ISO or COBIT models.

For those with no interest at all in the seven domains, here is some background information about the Seven Kingdoms:

Perhaps it would be useful to link the seven domains to the seven kingdoms? This can be an exercise for the student.

The author presents a topic outline of a standards document on pages 266 and 267. This outline is similar, but not identical to the template he gave us in chapter 7. This material does not seem to fit the topic of this chapter, so we should move on.

The author begins a discussion of Workstation Domain policies on page 267. He reminds us that encryption is typically required for company information on portable devices, and that this is an example of a workstation policy. Other policies for portable devices might include remote wiping if lost or stolen, and lockout or data wipe on too many failed login attempts. The methods to attain each of these results should be documented in control standards that relate to such policies. Standards define how something will be done that a policy requires. As you should recall, that also leads to procedures and guidelines where they are needed.

Control standards for workstations (examples):

  • Hardening standards
  • Device management standards
  • Malicious code protection standards
  • Access control standards for portable devices
  • Acquisition and Disposal standards
  • Timeout, Session Lock, Unsuccessful Login standards
  • Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) standards

The text reminds us that baseline standards are the basic requirements for device types, such as workstations, which may be modified by specific standards for users who require more advanced features.

Some features to expect in baseline standards:

  • Secure VPN software
  • Antivirus protection
  • Patch management and device management processes
  • Hardening standards
  • Encryption standards (portable device, or all devices)

The text continues with a section on LAN Domain policies, which deal with connectivity and traffic flow. This includes policies, standards, and procedures about firewalls, switches, DoS protection, and WiFi Security. The text presents a list of control standards for this domain on page 274. Note that it includes security controls for routers and configuration change controls. A list of baseline standards for this domain appears on page 276.

The LAN-to-WAN Domain section includes policies, standards, and procedures about DMZ controls, Internet Proxy controls (do we use them? which devices are they?), content blocking and filtering controls, and intrusion detection and prevention controls.

In the section on the WAN Domain, a bit of a flaw emerges in the plan for this chapter. There is a bit of crossover between this domain and the last one. We find switches and routers in both, so we are told that policies relating to those components may be handled in the LAN-to-WAN Domain, or in another domain, instead of this one. The text suggests that this domain may contain policies on DNS, on WAN management, on router security, and on web services. DNS policies may include creation of domain names in our registered domain.

Moving ahead to the Remote Access Domain, which concerns remote connections, security and encryption of devices and data , and remote authentication. Standards should include VPN software and gateways, VPN IDs, and RADIUS server issues.

The last domain in the list of seven is the System/Application Domain. This domain has some unique issues, among them determining who is the owner of programs and data, who will grant access to them, and who is responsible for their functioning. Oddly, the text includes both cryptography standards and physical security standards in this domain. Maybe we need another domain or two?

The text adds one more domain, this one on Telecommunications policies. This can include telephone and data traffic, the wiring that supports both of those technologies, the end user devices and infrastructure devices that interact with those technologies, and crossover technologies like Voice over IP (VoIP).